Violence Surrounding Hinduism Vs. Buddhism

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Violence surrounding Hinduism vs. Buddhism


Two of the oldest continuous religions in the world are Hinduism and Buddhism. Both have followers numbering in the millions, a number that is comprised of people from all walks of life. Interestingly enough, relatively few people are truly aware of what each religion is all about, and many others in fact think that they are the same religion or-equally absurdly-that one is merely a slight variation of the other. Here then is a comparison of Hinduism's and Buddhism's more salient points in order to help clear things up. (Stanley, 144)

Violence surrounding Hinduism vs. Buddhism

Hinduism is thought to be at least a thousand years older than Buddhism, with some believing that it is actually two thousand years older. Although most experts do agree that Hinduism came first, some Buddhists believe that the Buddha who formed the basis of the religion was only one in a succession of Buddhas and was in fact followed by others. One thing that the two religions have in common is their broad perspective on worship, with Hinduism being polytheistic in its belief system, while Buddhism discards the notion of a distinct “god” entity, much less one in human form. And although both Hinduism and Buddhism preach placing the collective good over personal gain, Hinduism tends to favor the establishment classes without much concern over issues such as social rights and advancement of the lower classes. (Stanley, 144) Buddhism for its part teaches of the eventual release from suffering and seems to encourage "moving up" or overcoming the trappings of the class/caste system.

Both Hinduism and Buddhism teach the view of the world as being largely illusive, with karma having the role of ultimately determining the outcome of the cycle of birth and death. Both religions also teach of the suffering that can ...
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