Violence Against Women And Its Effect Upon Children

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Violence against Women and its effect upon Children

Violence against Women and its effect upon Children


Violence against women is explicit or veiled literally practiced indoors or within families, between individuals united by kinship status (husband and wife, mother, stepfather) or natural kinship father, mother, children, brothers etc (Dam, L. 2011). includes several practices, such as violence and sexual abuse against children, mistreatment of the elderly, and violence against women and against the man usually in separation processes litigious beyond the sexual violence against the partner.

Can be divided into physical violence - when it involves direct aggression against loved ones of the victim or destroying objects and belongings of the same (sheet); psychological violence - when it involves verbal aggression, threats, gestures and postures aggressive, legally producing moral damages, and socio-economic violence, when it involves the control of the social life of the victim or their economic resources (Julun, C. R. 2010). Also some consider violence against women abandonment and neglect as children, elderly or partners. Framed in the typology proposed by Dahlberg; Krug, in category interpersonal subdivided as nature Physical, Sexual, Psychological or deprivation and abandonment. Still affecting home life can include the category self-directed suicidal behavior especially suicide expanded (with the murder of family members) and behaviors of self-abuse especially if we consider the context of causality (Dam, L. 2011). It is more common to use the term “domestic violence” to indicate the partner violence against the wife against her husband and children. The expression replaces other as “violence against women”. There are also the terms “relationship violence” and “domestic violence”.

Violence against Women

Violence against women involves acts of aggression against women that are manifested by asymmetric relations between men and women, sometimes involving discrimination and prejudice.

Violence against women can take many forms other than an assault sociopathic sexual and perverse in the sense; until more subtle forms such as sexual harassment, discrimination, devaluation of domestic work of caring for the offspring and maternity.

Among the different forms of gender violence are cited violence against women or violence against women and workplace violence, manifested through physical, psychological and social. On violence against women against women and / or girls include physical abuse, and sexual abuse, psychological and economic (Julun, C. R. 2010).

Also for better understanding of the condition generating this condition is necessary to highlight the condition of gender relations in which there, and so define gender violence is exercised ...
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