Vinci Constructions Uk

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Vinci Constructions UK

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Vinci Constructions UK

Executive summary

This paper analyzes a construction company which based in the United Kingdom namely Vinci Company. Vinci Company is a French company and it is the world's leading construction company having its operations in almost 90 countries of the world. The company employs around 183,000 people in 90 countries. This paper further discusses the vision statement of the company and strategies for how company is achieving its goals. The paper also developed the balance score card of the Vinci Company in which we discussed financial perspective, customer perspective, internal processes, learning and growth of the Vinci Company. Then we also made strategies in achieving the targets that we made in the balance score card. Then we also give some recommendations to the Vinci Company. The Vinci Company can reduce its variable cost by simply adopting the strategy of purchasing the material in bulk quantity from the supplier. The company should offer rewards to its employees in order to get on time completion. The company should also develop an effective supply chain system with their suppliers. Rewards should also be given to deserving employees. The company should provide training to its employees


Vinci is the private company which is the world's leading Construction and Concession Company. Vinci's operations are spread over ninety countries of the world and it employs around 183,000 people to run their operations in 90 countries. Today, Vinci has a total turnover of €33.5 billion. Vinci's origin is from France and through their work commitment and maintaining quality makes them able to spread their operations over the world. Vinci mainly deals in construction business making quality roads for smooth transport, constructing quality buildings and they also constructs water and energy plants for the societies. Vinci also provide services to military and defense in constructing their base camps. They are developing societies through their expertise and innovative ideas. The reason behind the success of Vinci is that it always focuses on long term planning, design and develop such constructions which can fulfill the advancements that will occur in the future in construction industry(BRAGG, 2007).

Vinci constructions UK limited also make a good name in the United kingdom and is also giving a tough time to their competitors by offering a variety of services in building, civil engineering, air, technology and facilities sector. Vinci PLC is the parent company of Vinci construction UK and keeps striving to maintain the name of Vinci as the leader in the industry worldwide. The annual turnover of the Vinci construction UK is exceeding £1 Billion.

Vision and of Vinci Constructions

The vision of Vinci constructions is “to deliver world class engineering and construction solutions for the nuclear industry and future generations and also to exceed the expectations of all our stakeholders.”

Strategy for the entire organization

In order to be a successful organization, Vinci have to improve continuously on some of their skill which gives Vinci a competitive edge and can keep Vinci ...