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Videos Discussion

In Women's Hands

This video discusses the changing roles of woman, in all aspects of life. Since, past year the role of women has continuously changed. This happened in 60's when they left the kitchen and after that the women movement started. They found a degree of freedom with the advent of the Pill and life changed again as the mother came more to the fore and women attempted to free themselves from the confines of the role as portrayed, perhaps by their mothers. Some marched to end the war in Vietnam with their babies in pushers. Since then, women have been struggling hard to attain power, force and position (Belghazi, 2002, 56).

At the beginning the role of women was only confined to fulfill the daily chores of the house and serve the family, but after the women movement things changed as they were more focused towards attaining a prominent position in the world. The differences created between men and women were highlighted and questioned by different activist. Similarly, women are considered to be a symbol of peace and harmony, they gathered with men in order to stop the violence which was spoiling the image of women. These women took the initiative at that time although it was difficult, but they were able to face the hardships (Gordon, 2009, 368-7). These difficulties also affected their family life, but they remained calm and proved to be strong. In main essence of this video is regarding the maternal concerns, compassion and the feminine principle which leans toward the spiritual, toward wholeness, which in turn can move us toward acknowledging the divine, outside us and inside us. It unites the world. At first, women's movement was characterized: “as they wish to acquire equal legal status to men by obtaining civil and political rights ...
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