Video Teleconferencing

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Video Teleconferencing

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Video Teleconferencing


Technological advancement has been proven effective in increasing the efficiency of any sector. Among such advancements one of the most notable innovations is video conferencing. This new technology is considered of great values for businesses, although video conferencing is not limited to business and is now being used in health care sector by health care professionals / physicians. Latifi (2008) states that video conferencing in health care sector has created convenience for patients as this saves them time and they no longer have to wait for hours in hospitals to meet the physicians. Health care professionals in particular physicians can employ different technologies in order to deal patient more effectively and conveniently. Like the use of cell phones helped patients to keep in touch with their doctors and the time of emergency patients are now able to contact with the physicians who is dealing them. Several technologies including those of bio-medical had contributed greatly in optimizing the performance of the physicians as they are now able to attend more and more patient with their ease. (Latifi, 2008)

Although, video conferencing has now added value in health care sector, as physicians can use it as per their needs including but not limited to attending patient throughout the world and attending workshop and seminars without travelling (Martinez, and Gomez, 2008). Physicians can teach or can even learn several courses for specialization through videoconferencing without disturbing their patients. Physicians are now able to supervise or guide or provide their expertise through video teleconferencing in any surgery / operation. Technology has increased the mode of communication between physicians to physicians and with their patients. (Martinez, and Gomez, 2008)

Benefits of Using Video Teleconferencing

Video conference can achieve the same purpose as the teleconference, with the added value of visual communication in conjunction with verbal communication. Be interactive digital technology requires quality equipment for excellent reception and reproduction of the live scene. The results are so real that at present the video conference is replacing many trips of physicians to visits patients (Kumar, and Marescaux, 2008). The meetings may be held in multiple locations throughout the world, with real-time interaction. This technology can be also be used in teaching and learning about different diseases or can be used to attend conferences / seminars / patients throughout the world (Xiao, and Chen, 2008). The ability to instantaneously transmit voice and audio for many or few listeners has many beneficial applications. One of the biggest benefits of video conferencing is that physicians may omit or replace expensive and long trips for the purpose of completing different course of specialization on the other hand no existing patient will get affected. Waste of time or travel or irrigation costs can greatly be reduced when using video teleconferencing as a means of meetings. Besides attending patients using video teleconferencing they can also employ other technologies like internet to suggest prescription. (Latifi, 2008)

Video conferencing is also being used in education to guide students through virtual tours, guest display ...
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