Date rape refers to the rape that is committed by a person who is close to oneself. Such persons include an acquaintance, a friend, or a stranger may even commit this. Date rape is mostly done under the influence or use of date rape drug. It may also be an acquaintance rape. Acquaintance rape is an attempted assault or an assault that is done by a new acquaintance that involves a sexual intercourse without the permission or consent of the other party.
Statutory Rape
Statutory rape is the type of rape that is done with the mindset that the people who are under a certain age do not have the authority to give informed consent. The rape that is under the influence of this age of consent is sometimes referred to as statutory rape (Loiselle & Fuqua, 2007).
Spousal Rape
Spousal rape is the rape that occurs between a couple and partners who are married.
Stranger Rape
Stranger rape is the rape that a stranger does to a victim. Both the victim, as well as, the assaulter is unknown to each other.
Rape Statistics
In the United States of America, someone somewhere in the country is made a victim of sexual assault in every two and a half minutes.
It has also been found that the number of women that are a victim of attempted rape or have experienced complete rape in their college days is a shocking one in four (
The number of pregnancies that are reported as a result of rape is 32000 a year. The figure of false reporting was reported to be 20% in the year 1960. The statistics later dropped to 15% in 1973. Later, the New York City Police gave the task of reporting and investigating the cases of sexual assault to ...