Vernacular And Typology

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Vernacular and Typology

Vernacular and Typology


Two different terms that describe approaches to the analysis of architecture or constructed environment are vernacular and typology.


Traditional architectural typology has local characterization. The region climate can change within short distances. Architectural typology models have been changing in relation with local climate and depending on the construction materials availability. In this paper we describe three vernacular architecture typology buildings, inside a valley, in the centre of Italy. There are three micro areas in the valley: plan, hill and mountain. Each of them is characterized by slightly different parameters of temperature, rainfall and windiness, and different construction materials. (Bex, 1999, pp. 89 - 112)

The architectural model (called centre Italian vernacular architecture) is the same but there are some differences related to local climate. In this paper we describe the relation between local microclimate (temperature, wind and solar radiation), physical characteristics and architectural energy forms. This process highlights how the architectonic model changes to satisfy energy balance. The study of building typologies gives information about the relationship between climate and architecture. Many factors have always influenced architecture, such as methods of construction and local availability of materials. Other aspects directly linked with climate are also the presence of arcades, porches, window dimensions and the ratio between surface and volume. This is quite obvious for vast homogenous climate areas. (Noordegraaf, 2000, pp. 893 - 900)

In northern countries with typical cold weather, buildings are more compact than in areas with a milder climate. Victor Olgyay has firstly analyzed these aspects. Three different buildings located within a micro geographical area in central Italy and their construction and architectonic forms are compared. The relationship between energy consumption in winter regime, microclimate, and architectonic shapes (dispersing surface) have been studied and analyzed. The valley is located in centre of Italy and is created by the river Mariachi that springs in the Apennine Mountains and flows into the Adriatic Sea. The valley comprehends three different areas: plain, hills, and mountains. The relation between energy demand, climate and architectural design of three different farmhouses will be considered in this study. (De Grauwe, 2002, pp. 99 -116 )

Constructed environment

The constructed environment includes the natural environment after it has been changed by human effort. A constructed environment is created when a dwelling is built, landscaped, and heated and/or cooled to control the indoor climate. (Mesthrie, 1999, pp 34-45 )

Analysis of architecture

Architecture, after all, is only architecture. If there is something more perfect and complex life and explain, someone tell me architect just manage to perceive the true value of architecture, when architect feel it. Architect think it would be futile to try to describe with words and concepts, which are the architecture, even if they are as different as they are, will always be valid for all opinions. (Fasold, 1984, pp. 13-24)

The architecture can only be defined or rather, come to understand one way that is living it. And we should feel blessed to be in this profession because we are a small part; we can ...
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