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Online video location Veoh has been allocated protected harbour under US regulations, defending it from liability for infringing videos dispatched by users. Manual spot-checks for copyright infringement did not destabilise that defence, the court said.The ruling could be good report for other sites which accept userpublished material. YouTube is actually battling a regulation match conveyed by newspapers conglomerate Viacom, which assertions that YouTube's whole enterprise is founded on piracy.


I belive there are few of the stakeholders:



People who are downloading videos

Ethical Issues

The BCS Code of Conduct specifies out the professional standards required by BCS as a condition of membership. It applies to members of all grades, including students and affiliates, and also non-members who offer their expertise as part of the BCS Professional Advice Register. The Code governs the personal conduct of individual members of the BCS, who are requested to notify the Society of any significant violation by another member. Any breach of the Code brought to the attention of the Society is considered under the BCS Disciplinary procedures.

This principle concerning the quality of life of all people affirms an obligation to protect fundamental human rights and to respect the diversity of all cultures. An essential aim of computing professionals is to minimize negative consequences of computing systems, including threats to health and safety. When designing or implementing systems, computing professionals must attempt to ensure that the products of their efforts will be used in socially responsible ways, will meet social needs, and will avoid harmful effects to health and welfare.

Where as ACM code principle concerning the quality of life of all people affirms an obligation to protect fundamental human rights and to respect the diversity of all cultures. An essential aim of computing professionals is to minimize negative consequences of computing systems, including threats to health and safety.

A California federal district court ruled that a video-sharing website was not liable for copyright infringement because it fell within a Digital Millennium Copyright Act ('DMCA') safe harbour. The DMCA has four safe harbours for 'service providers' which limit their liability for copyright infringement. The DMCA safe harbours protect 'service providers' from all monetary relief for direct, vicarious, and contributory infringement. Limited injunctive relief is still available to copyright owners. (Marshall 2007:22-26)

Io, doing business as Titan Media, sells adult entertainment products. Veoh provides a website similar to YouTube in which users can share video content online. Io sued Veoh for direct, contributory, and vicarious copyright infringement. Io alleged that video clips of varying lengths from its copyright films had been uploaded and viewed on without its authorization. Veoh asserted that it qualified for safe harbour protection under the DMCA.

On cross-motions for summary judgment, the District Court ruled in favour of Veoh, concluding that Veoh, being entitled to protection under the safe harbour provisions, was not liable for copyright infringement. Having reached this conclusion, the Court deemed it unnecessary to address separately whether Veoh would otherwise be liable for copyright infringement.

Video-sharing site Veoh won another legal victory after Universal Music Group ...