Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

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Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia


In this study we try to explore the concept of “Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia” in a holistic context. The main focus of

the research is on “Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia” with its causes and preventive measures. The research also analyzes many aspects of “VAP” and tries to gauge its effects and prevention. Finally the research describes various factors which are responsible for “Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia” and tries to describe its overall effect.

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia


Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the hospital acquired infections that occur during Mechanical Ventilation. VAP is a nosocomial bacterial pneumonia that usually gets develop in patients with sensitive respiratory breakdown on mechanical ventilation (MV). The Ventilator-associated pneumonia is presented with a high occurrence of morbidity and death particularly for patients in intensive care units. It is mechanical ventilation before the condition becomes that there is no Pneumonia, pneumonia is defined as 48 hours after the onset of mechanical ventilation by endotracheal intubation.

Discussion and Analysis

It is believed that the hospital pneumonia develops in the interaction of a sufficient number of virulent microorganism's microorganism whose source or by microbial action violated protections (Nuland, B. 2008).


Patients, who carried out artificial ventilation, are at particular risk of infection. Endotracheal intubation tube violates the cough reflex, eliminates voozmozhnost protect the upper respiratory tract with the vocal cords, inhibits mucociliary clearance, causes the development of local inflammation, does not provide complete sealing of the respiratory tract. The secret that accumulates above the inflated cuff can directly enter the lower respiratory tract when the inner diameter during swallowing or breathing, and blowing the cuff to reposition the tube in the trachea to prevent development of bedsores of the trachea. This secret is difficult and often impossible to remove by aspiration. Penetration of microorganisms into the lungs may be carried out in various ways (Kathleen, M. 2005).

Micro aspiration Oropharyngeal secretions are colonized by pathogenic bacteria. Micro aspiration small amounts of oropharyngeal secretions contaminated with pathogenic bacteria are now considered the most likely and most common way of infection. Since micro aspiration occurs often enough (so micro aspiration dream marks not less than 45% of healthy people), it is the presence of pathogenic bacteria that may overcome the defense mechanisms of the lower respiratory tract. It plays an important role in the development of pneumonia.

Risk factors for colonization of pathogens in the oropharyngeal secretions and pneumonia are the serious condition of the patient, lack of care for the patient's oral cavity, low immunity, changes in bacterial effects as a result of medical interventions (antibiotics, antacids, etc). Oropharyngeal contamination with intestinal bacteria gramootritsatelnymi healthy people vsrechaetsya brief and less than 10%, with the development of moderate severity of systemic disease frequency of colonization increased to 35% and 75% in critical conditions (Kenneth, D. 2006).

Stomach Contents

Aspiration of large amounts of material rarely noted as a cause but in these cases aspiriruemye mass may consist of contents as the oropharynx, and stomach. By them, nasogastric tube seems to worsen the function of the lower esophageal sphincter, which contributes to ...
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