Vehicles Of Representation

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Vehicles of Representation

Interest Groups as Vehicles of Representation

Interest group as vehicles of representation plays an important role. With this, policy concern and citizen preferences can apparently express in the process of policy. Interest group is a group of individuals that seek to influence public policy via influencing government actors.

Interest group differs in terms of age, size, resources, tactics, policy, sophistication, ideological orientation and geographic focus. The focus of few groups is on a particular problem whereas, other stress on wider part of public policy. Few groups take birth and vanish over the period i.e. for a single election, and at the same time some groups remain for a longer period in order to influence election & public policy selection.

In addition to these, there are some groups whose main focus is only on government as well as influencing non government and other public organization in order to support their objective. In order words, these groups put-forward society issues and problems to the government such as women violence in a society. This issue raised by certain NGO whose main interest is Women and any aggression to women will be their interest. Hence, on behalf of that the woman, they will raise the issue and due to this, they act as a vehicle of representation (Baumgartner, Leech, 2012, p.83-85).

Interests most likely to be organized

Interest groups been divided into two different type i.e. public and private groups. Few groups try to focus on broader public interest while some groups serve on small private issues or interest (Bamberg, 21).

Public Interest Groups

Public groups' main focus is on those issues through which the general population can be benefited. They support policies that are offering wider advantages and can easily be enjoyed by anyone such as green environment, equal rights to women, action on child ...
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