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The purpose of this study is to develop and implement a research methodology to better understand the shortcomings of the Dallas Police Department. In this paper, we have presented a prevailing issue in the Dallas Police Department that affects their performance and efficiency. The problem that we have chosen for this purpose is “inefficient vehicle system”. As a consultant, we have provided methodology for researching the problem in more detail.

Problem Statement

“The department's ineffective use of vehicles affects the efficient use of resources”

Discussion & Analysis

Three issues relating to the department's use of vehicles affect the efficient use of resources: some units have an insufficient number of vehicles assigned to ensure officers can make effective use of their time; vehicles are currently retained beyond the point at which it is cost-effective to repair them; and the department provides some officers take home vehicles when there is not an operational need to do so. Each of these issues are as follows:

1.Vehicle replacement schedule.

2.Insufficient vehicles assigned to some units.

3.“Home storage” vehicles.

Research Methodology

To effectively drive and guide the research process, questions must be constructed stating what is wanted to be learned. The overall purpose of my study is both descriptive and exploratory. I wanted my research to stress the importance of context, setting, and the participant's frames of reference. It is intended to be significant for policy issues, practice, and adding to the literature of police vehicle system, community policing, and the development of police professionalism.

To discover the unexpected and explore new avenues of learning it is imperative to observe and interact with the participants within their work and social settings (Marshall & Rossman, 1999).

The strengths of a qualitative approach to the research seemed apparent in that it is imperative to gain an understanding of the meaning the participants give to events and ...
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