“vehicle Hand Washing: Study Of Health And Safety To Employees At Hand Vehicle Washing Outlets”

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“Vehicle Hand Washing: Study Of Health And Safety To Employees At Hand Vehicle Washing Outlets”



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Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) is a common skin disorder with a poor prognosis. The objectives of this study were to (1) estimate the prevalence of CD among Vehicle hand wash workers, (2) study some risk factors associated with CD, and (3) conduct an intervention skin care education program. The most important risk factors for OCD among the Vehicle hand wash workers are atopic background and long duration of work. Skin care education program is an important tool for prevention of CD and control of exposure to substances hazardous to the skin. There are many health and safety issues being increased regarding hand car washing outlets; which may include but not limited to electrical safety, manual handling, dermatitis etc but unfortunately Dermatitis, which is most dangerous of all, is not being given the priority to be taken care of.

Vehicle hand washing: Study of health and safety to employees at hand vehicle washing outlets

Table of Contents


Background of the Study6

Rationale of the Study7

Objectives of the Study7


Occupational Dermatitis9

Signs and Symptoms9

Contact Dermatitis Hairdressing Industry11


Contact Dermatitis14

Can you have different types of dermatitis at the same time?18

Do I need any tests?18

What is the initial treatment for contact dermatitis?19

Hand care21

Intermittent use of topical steroid22

Health and Safety At Work Act 179422


Chemicals And Their Ingredients In Hand Car Washing31

Occupational Contact Dermatitis In Hair Dressing Workers36

Luton BC Produced Guidance and DVD38

Other Studies Review38



Semi-Participant Observation Results50





Vehicle Hand Washing: Study Of Health And Safety To Employees At Hand Vehicle Washing Outlets

Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of the Study

Occupational contact dermatitis (OCD) constitutes up to 30% of all occupational diseases, for which compensation is payable. It is one of the leading causes of occupational morbidity and absenteeism and has become an intolerable cause of missed workdays and even loss of occupation. OCD is a pathological condition where there is a pattern of inflammatory response of the skin that occurs as a result of contact with external factors (allergens, irritants) present in an occupational setting and can be influenced by a combination of exposure characteristics [exposure to wet work, friction, handling of chemicals and working practices (exogenous factors)] as well as individual susceptibility (endogenous factors) and its severity depends on the type and intensity of exposure.

There are two types of CD: irritant (ICD) and allergic (ACD). ICD is the most common type 6 and occurs after exposure to an agent or agents causing early impairment and then cumulative damage to the stratum ...
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