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Health and Safety Regulations That Apply To Users of VDU's and Employers 1993-2002

Health and Safety Regulations that Apply to users of VDU's and Employers 1993-2002


Since their inception in 2002 the DSE regulations have tended to stimulate a level of debate and discussion that is disproportionate to the level of actual risk involved, but what are the real issues in protecting the eyes & eyesight of VDU users?

Health and safety legislation and provisions relating to responsibility and compensation for injury and disease apparently protect the worker and hold the employer to account. However in practice, the major responsibility for safety is on the worker and sanctions are very rarely applied to negligent employers. Instead, Government inspectors prefer to advise employers about good practice and trust that this will lead to compliance with law and guidance.

Blaming the victim for industrial injuries is nothing new, and is by no means confined to the UK. The most constructive approach, of course, is to welcome new legislation which clarifies and extends the duties on employers to provide a healthy working environment. The role of the trade unions in getting employers to comply with the law is crucial, and agreements can be negotiated that go beyond the basic legal requirements and look to best practice. Trade unionists can take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the new laws, and indeed the old ones, to improve working conditions. To what degree depends on organisational strength in the workplace.

Health and Safety at Work Act

The Act is very wide ranging and general, it is a criminal offence to breach duties imposed under it. It is an enabling piece of legislation which is supported by detailed provisions in the form of regulations (which have the full force of the law), Approved Codes of Practice and Guidance.

Working with VDUs

Visual display units (VDUs) are a common feature in offices, banks, factories, and even in the home. This leaflet is a guide for people who work with them. It:

* answers the questions that are most commonly asked about VDUs and health;

* gives a brief summary of new Regulations dating from 1 January 1993 on work with display screen equipment (including VDUs), and explains how they affect you;

* suggests some simple adjustments that can be made to your workstation and screen to make them more comfortable and easy to use.

Questions and answers about your health and VDUs


VDUs have been blamed - often wrongly - for a wide range of health problems. Only a small proportion of people using them suffer health problems as a result, but because there are so many users this can be a significant number. You should remember that in most cases the problems do not arise directly from the VDUs themselves, but from the way in which they are used. The problems can be avoided altogether by good workplace and job design and by the way you use your equipment and workstation.


There are no indications, from extensive research, that VDUs ...
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