Vatican II And Canon Law Of Marriage

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Vatican II and Canon Law Of Marriage

Vatican II and Canon Law Of Marriage


Marriage in the Catholic Church understood as mutual and public acceptance of men and women focused on the mutual good of the spouses and the procreation and upbringing of children. Essential elements of marriage are also Catholic and indissoluble unity. The marriage of the baptized raised to the rank of the sacrament.


Catholic marriage, it included in freedom and consciously spousal unbreakable covenant of love between a man and a woman, like relation of Christ the Bridegroom of the Church -Bride. Spouses, accepting each other as a gift, create an inner communion of life and love, directed toward the procreation and education of offspring (Witte and John 1997, Pp 110). The marriage intended by God Himself, that inscribed in human nature - in the baptized raised to the rank of the sacrament.

According to EC Maya, marriage becomes the solid foundation of the family, the rock on which it built with four elements: an affirmation of the person, disposes us to love, giving life and sanctification.

Counter-Reformation Times

Council of Trent, sitting as the years one thousand five hundred and forty-five - 1563, ordered the canon law. Force it to issue a code of 1917. The new version, in the spirit of Vatican II, developed at the request of Pope John Paul II in 1983,

Many European countries had institutions similar to "marriage by habit." The Catholic Church, in response to the challenge of the Protestants, defined his position and confirmed its previous doctrine (Waddell and Paul 1993, Pp. 135). In 1563, during the Council of Trent issued an edict, by which the marriage of Catholics was important had to be reached during the church ceremony before a priest and two witnesses. In this way, virtually eliminating the secret marriages and informal marriages previously common - they were, similarly to the Roman marriage out of habit (per usus), based only on mutual consent without a formal marriage ceremony. Thus, by a resolution of the council marriage has become the first full sacrament. First sacrament celebrated in the church gates, and from the seventeenth century at the very foot of the altar.

Canon law from the time of the Council of Trent defined the conditions for the formation so a valid marriage, obstacles to its conclusion, introduced a requirement for the wedding ceremony in the Church. It made a distinction between first-purposes of marriage (procreation and upbringing of children) and secondary objectives such as spouses' mutual aid.


The confusion for Marriage

I. Importance of the issue

In the area, of moral life, the Church carefully watch over the sanctity of marriage, and she commits all his energy, for serious reasons, here jumble a few:

A.Marriage is a sacrament, and any attack against him reached the same sources of grace;

B.We are in the area where the wound of original sin is the greatest, and where vigilance of the Church should be most acute;

C.The sanctity of marriage (unit, indissoluble, fertility) is at the heart of the ...
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