Variety Of Subjects

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Variety of Subjects

Variety of Subjects

Forecast Presentations

The presentations should always be presented with confidence. Sometimes the presentation, which the individual is presenting, is not related to the presenter's subject however the idea must be presented. Audience should never feel that the person is unable to present the topic properly. If audience would feel that, the presenter is not confident they will lose interest in the presentation. This will make the presenter more nervous and he/she will not be able to present at all because no one is listening to him/her. Topics, which are not related, should be practiced several times and an individual must be able to justify all the claims, which are made in the presentation. When an individual will be able to find justifications for all the claims made in the forecast than he will be able to present it properly with confidence.

Evaluation of Sources

The company, which I have selected, is Unilever.

Unilever Global Company Website | Unilever Global: (

First Source is the company's website. The source is credible in terms of information provided and has a reputation for original information. The source has potential for biasness because it belongs to company. The purpose of the material is to provide complete information about the company (Editors, 2000). The positive information is only provided in the website. The source obtained the information from the company.

Following are the first five hits, which I obtained when I searched the company on

Unilever - Wikipedia: (

Second hit was Unilever information page on Wikipedia. The source is not credible because it is an open source and information can be edited by anyone and does not have a reputation for honesty and reliability. The purpose of the material is to provide complete information about the company in every aspect (Ayu, 2002). The source is not biased because it ...