Value Of Recycling

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Value of Recycling

Value of Recycling


With the rate of our population growing so is the need for landfills, because too many people do not recycle plastic and rubber. This is also causing landfills to close, because there is no more room for the over growing garbage. Some landfills burn garbage in incinerators which release dangerous gases and dust particles into the air which in turn contribute to global warming and pollute lakes. Burying garbage as most landfills causes both air and water pollution. Recycling of plastic and rubber would benefit the world in many ways. It would reduce the need to create more landfills, reduce water and air pollution, and produces less carbon dioxide. Discussion

2. a. Landfills

When there is a need to create another landfill it can cause problems for the environment, and the cost of locating a suitable place to create the landfill can be expensive. Landfills take away from our natural resources, pollutes our waters, and the air we breathe. If everyone pitched in and recycled the little things like rubber and plastic it would prevent them from becoming over filled who would lessen the chances of garbage materials would leak into water ways or even pollute soil. With the potential chance of our water ways and soil that we use to plant food in becoming contaminated it makes sense to recycle these items.

2. b. Recycling of Plastic

Recycling plastic can be a significant key to reducing waste in landfills and be a downfall. Recycling plastic is necessary because it helps to avoid their accumulation in landfills. Because plastic has a low density and is slow to decompose it makes it a pollutant. Plastic can sit in a landfill for years taking up space. When plastic items are separated having something like a lid left on can contaminate to whole process. Recycled plastic items can be used to reduce greenhouse gases, conserve energy, and save on landfill space. When plastic is recycled there are many items that can be created from it.

Plastic is one of the most disposable materials that have been created in the world. With there being so many items created from plastic it makes sense to recycle it to create more items. By recycling plastic to create new items it can save on the impact it causes landfills. To save space in landfills plastic is burned in incinerators. When this has to be done it causes petroleum, fossil fuel, and chemicals used in this process to be released into the atmosphere which adds to the greenhouse gas emissions. Plastic is also causing a problem in the oceans. With plastic bottles being littered everyday many of these ends up in the water and floating can look to sea animals as food and they may try to eat this. There is also the plastic rings that are used to hold bottles together that can strangle small sea animals and birds.

2. c. Recycling of Rubber

Recycling of rubber has many uses and dangers in the ...
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