Valley Fever In Arizona

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Valley Fever in Arizona


Valley fever is also called coccidioidomycosis and is mainly caused due to c specific fungus called Coccidioides immitis. People who are infected by this disease develop symptoms. The most common symptoms of this disease are fever, headache, rash, cough and myalgias. It is a unique form of lung infection. It usually occurs when the fungus becomes airborne due to the dust the dust in agricultural and construction areas, and when the spores are inhaled by the individual, Valley fever is likely to occur. It is very common in the Southwest part of America, as the soil is dry and the temperature is usually high. This disease is likely to affect smokers, the elderly, pregnant women in their third trimester, diabetics and many others. This lead can also result in permanent brain damage.


It is quite certain to say the diseases like Valley Fever, can challenge the physical fitness and the health of an individual. Generally individuals diagnosed which these symptoms often get infected with severe lung diseases, or their whole body gets infected with infection.

In one of the article 'The Public Health Impact of Coccidioidomycosis in Arizona and California' which is also reviewed in 'Vaccines Against Coccidioidomycosis: Past and Current' ... by KV Clemons, clearly states that there has been a gradual increase in the number of people over the period of time that are infected by Valley fever in California and Arizona. This article also confirms that there has been an increase in incidence rates from the year 2001 to 2006 in Arizona and California. The percentage with which the fever has increased in Arizona is 97.8% and in California it has increased by 91.1%. The article also states that this disease is most common in few racial and ethnic groups for example Black/African Americans in Arizona are more likely to be effected by the fever and similarly in California this disease is more common in African/Americans and Hispanics. The article also suggests that one of due to the lack and delay in early diagnosis often becomes one of the major reasons for the seriousness of Valley fever in these areas. According to the article one of the solutions that can contribute in curing this disease is the provision and improvement of preventive vaccine and therapeutic immediately. Delay in these treatments can increase the seriousness of Valley fever (Hector, n.d).

One the other hand another article 'Coccidioidomycosis among Scholarship Athletes and Other College Students, Arizona, USA', shares a diversified view about the disease. It emphasizes on the comparison of Valley fever case rates among different groups of the younger generation found in the disease-endemic region. In order to carry coding and serologic testing many medical charts were reviewed. Though this testing and researches it was concluded that this disease is more common in scholarship athletes in comparison to other students. The articles also confirms that team physicians and student health clinicians consider Valley fever to be found more common in students that reside in or recently traveled to ...