Utilizing Different Research Methods Towards The Study Of Organizational Behavior

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Utilizing different research methods towards the study of organizational behavior

Table of Contents


Problem Statement3


Using Qualitative research methods5

Using Quantitative research methods6

Sampling and its significance in research7

Characteristics of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods of Research8

Strengths and Weaknesses9



Comparison and Contrast of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods


Organizational leadership is a phenomenon that has long been sought after by companies and managers all over the world. It has been studied through different eras and periods and given a lot of importance in terms of organizational performance and growth. This desire to achieve optimal organizational leadership is understandable because it is a registered fact that organizations with proper leadership at a managerial and organizational level achieve better performances and optimized operations. Additionally, it also caters to the end result that every organization and business entity desires: profitability and growth. Research and different methodologies to explore the concept are useful in understanding the phenomenon and shedding light on the topic. The preliminary forms of research studies started off within the natural sciences like geology, physics, chemistry, biology, etc and were related to the investigation of things that one could measure and observe in a manner. These measurements and observation could be objectively made and replicated by subsequent researchers. Such a procedure is known as quantitative research method. After this, were seen the researchers related to the field of social sciences like anthropology, psychology, sociology, etc. These researchers were concerned towards the study of human behaviors and the social world colonized by humans.

Problem Statement

Understanding the use of different research methods is crucial to a researcher hoping to collect authentic and valuable data on a topic. Similarly, organizational leadership is a topic that can be discussed from various different approaches. Using different research methods can help the researcher understand how organizational leadership can be strengthened within the workplace and how a leader can understand the dynamics of the workforce ((Alotaibi, 2012, 89). For a leader wishing to understand his or her team, it is important to understand their culture and other prominent features. Human behavior can be influenced by many different factors such as motivation, happiness, culture and even demotivation as well as professional drive. By utilizing different research methods, it is possible to extract information on the subject from various different angles and then diffusing that information to derive a solid concrete conclusion. In this section, a comparison is provided of different research methods that seem ideal when conducting a research on organizational leadership (Charoenruk, 2012, 154). The extracts from such a research are crucial in gathering data which is qualitative and provides useful insights and at the same time, is quantifiable to provide statistical information.

Culture plays an important role in augmenting the performance of an organization and, as discussed previously, giving due significance to culture can augment the profitability of an organization by more than 70%. Furthermore, understanding the culture of the workplace allows managers and the administration to understand the dynamics of the workplace and this leads to efficient management and processes. Organizational leadership is a very broad concept ...
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