Use Of Images In Comics

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Use of Images in Comics


In this paper, we would like to discuss the use of images in the comics. The images create an immense impact of the theme of comic whatever they are trying to convey to the readers. Along with the image, the words or texts are used through the cartoons of the time in order to enrich the narrative and the reading experience, exploring new meanings and unexplored terrain of the artistic medium.


Comics have been a significant part of any news which needs bit sarcasm. People, throughout the world, use comics in newspaper, magazines, and social networks and at other places just to create some sarcastic vision of the news. People of different countries use comics to criticize their politicians, actors, sport people and others for pointing out their mistakes as well as to create awareness of the thing among people.

The first step is to create the story, a story that links the drawings on the pages. In the writing of the script, it describes the cartoons in detail, choosing the type of shot, the size and every detail that is essential to the narrative. After the written part, one has to go to the organization of the pages. Then they have to proceed with the sketching part on a piece of a paper. The cartoons and their contents are drawn on the paper in broad terms. Once the sketch of the page satisfies the artist (however, this may take several attempts), he or she enlarges the draft, by hand or with a photocopier and they draw all the details. The last step is the inking and, optionally, the colouring. If they want, they can also add shadows and / or other details.

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