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Use Of Hair In Toxicology And Forensic Analyses

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[Use of hair in Toxicology and forensic analyses]



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The analysis of other conventional matrices such as hair and nails establish knowledge of a drug over long periods ranging from days, months or years. The following paper highlights the usefulness of hair or pubic analysis pre and post - mortem to establish not only the severity of drug consumption but to differentiate low, moderate or high being, in many cases the only available specimen itself confirming only one drug. Our hair, wash, cut, dyed, submit to any physical or cosmetic possible. However, we asked ourselves as makes up our hair? Will it serve for more than just cover us and give us heat? Looking at a just beyond, it serves to elucidate a crime or to assist as evidence in the search for truth. Indeed, the hair is very useful today for science forensic especially for it is readily available and because it is a safe array when its manipulation. There are many examples of criminal cases have been resolved thanks to fibers hairs found at the crime scene, so the current forensic science has turned to the study of this matrix by applying the latest techniques and knowledge In order to obtain as much information as possible, looking for potential evidence be used in criminal trials. However for forensic science were to use a hair fibber as an important and strong evidence at trial was due first learn about their morphology and how to apply various analytical techniques hitherto existed for other biological samples such as blood or urine.Use of hair in Toxicology and forensic analyses


Bearing in mind the limitations that each alternative presents matrix in the detection of drugs of abuse and the therapeutic potential usefulness is relevant, as they provide a unique drug information in the story of a person about their exposure to drugs, being in the opinion of the authors hair that offers the major advantage due to its alternatives is very useful because it can provide valuable data, such as detecting illegal drugs and or illicit, to treat the subject was exposed, chronicity and exposure to a drug, important aspects of forensic investigation, and that expand the expert analytical findings that complement the information on the possible cause of death or of poisoning, as likewise on the previous history of the subject suspected from addiction or monitoring of their rehabilitation.

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