First of all, it would give me great pleasure to show my gratitude to my professor, for his propositions, remarks, understanding and patience. It would also be an honour to express gratitude to my parents, my mother, my father, my sister and my brother for their endless support in my life and allowing me to make all my decisions. I would also like to take the opportunity to show appreciation to my co-workers for their expert cooperation on every occasion. I would also like to be grateful to the Department, managers of the university, instructors and students who have supported me throughout this research.
I declare that the content presented in this thesis/dissertation is, in my understanding and opinion, original and has not been presented for scholarly assessment in the past, either completely or partly, for an academic degree at this educational institution or elsewhere. I would also like to admit that I have studied and understood the principles, prerequisites, processes and guidelines of the University regarding the higher academic degree research award and to my dissertation. I would also like to declare that I have abided by the University's principles, prerequisites, processes and guidelines.
Signed __________________ Date _________________
There are many applications that used the geographic information systems, for example: ease of access, whether easy access to places of work or health facilities or educational facilities. In this study, the researcher attempted to study the use of GIS to access to pharmacies in Southampton. The researcher conducted the study regarding the ease of access to pharmacies during opening hours. Then the researcher gathered the data from the census about study area. The researcher identified three factors of the study, which are the age group, car ownership and the level of public health. For this study, pharmacies have been divided into categories according to their opening and closing time. The researcher conducted the analysis of the data and found the percentage of adult and child population, percentage of cars and vans holders and the disease rate. Then expected service areas of pharmacies opening for a particular time per day was determined and the distance of each zone to the pharmacies for each time slot was calculated in order to clarify where more pharmacies are required at night or in morning or on holidays. The researcher also established that even opening hours of the pharmacies should be increased. The result section of the study established the percentage of dependent people, ill person and household with no car within 1 to 3 km. Based on these results, the researcher recommended that the number of pharmacies or hours of work in the areas of the need should be increased.
3.1Study Area1
3.2Data sources1
3.4.2Access7 Calculation8 cars and vans Calculation10
5.3Directions for future research16
5.4Implications for policy and/or healthcare management16