Use Of Drones

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Use of Drones

Use of Drones


The U.S. will for their strategy in the fight against the insurgent Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters engage in particular drone, often criticized. For the U.S., the fight has many advantages: not only will not have their own lives at stake, but compared with the use of jet fighters and even ground troops is a lot of money saved. This strategy has been successful. The downside: There are many innocent people lost their lives that have nothing to fight acts or the insurgents do, and just at the wrong time, wrong place, if a drone attack takes place (Hart & Gharraibeh, 2010).

The website 2686 victims of drone strikes counts since 2004. A team led by Peter Bergen has an internationally acclaimed creates study , in which he concludes that about 20 percent of all of these drone attacks killed people no Islamist militants, but civilians. "And where is the moral and legal condemnation of MURDERS by the free and independent press? ", on Monday asked a user . Felix Boor of the Ruhr-University Bochum in 2011 published the article "The drone war in Afghanistan and Pakistan" in the "Journal of International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict".

International Law difference between drone attacks in Afghanistan and Pakistan

Part of the answer can be found in international law, says Boor, "The international legal distinction between Afghanistan and Pakistan is that the state of Afghanistan's war party, the Pakistan government itself is not among the original parties to the conflict." Even if the critical situation in Pakistan would be considered a civil war, there would be an internal conflict. ISAF troops would have to do with it. With the ISAF mandate is justified only to be fought insurgents in Afghanistan.

This also explains why the drone attacks are carried out in Pakistan by the CIA and not the official armed forces in Afghanistan. The territorial sovereignty of Pakistan must be respected by the United States, says Boor - but until recently there was yet to accept that Pakistan is allowing the use of drones and explicitly coordinated, had the territorial sovereignty was not damaged. Boor: "Since the killing of Osama bin Laden seems to be this cooperation but largely collapsed."

Attack in Afghanistan, Pakistan Planning

Now it is currently so that attacks are planned to troops in Afghanistan, in neighboring Pakistan and prepared. As this situation is to evaluate legal? "This has become highly controversial in international law," said Boor. "The U.S. will claim for them, then at least to be allowed to intervene militarily in limited ways, if the State in which there are suspected terrorists or Taliban fighters, unwilling or unable to prepare, a stop to it." The argument is passed to the meeting that it will not be tolerated must be that of another state from attacks on their own troops.

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