Usage Of Steroid Drugs Involved With Sports Today

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Usage of Steroid Drugs Involved With Sports Today

Usage of Steroid Drugs Involved With Sports Today


Everywhere today it seems there is another scandal about drugs and sports in the media. Our society has major issues concerning performance-enhancing drugs. Our children need facts concerning these drugs and effects these drugs will have on their bodies by using them. Do we want our children and young athletes taking drugs that are even illegal for Horse Racing?

There are many types of dangerous performance-enhancing drugs available today. The two main ones are Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and the Steroid Precursors. Anabolic-Androgenic steroids are a synthetic testosterone used to build muscle and improve performance (Garzon, Ewald, Rutledge, & Meadows, 2006). The only way to get Anabolic Steroids legally is to have a medical need because they are available by prescription only. Steroid precursors are steroids not yet classified or categorized by the Food and Drug Administration or Department of Drug Enforcement. They are available in many forms and over-the-counter. A few of the side effects that may occur with all types of steroid use are kidney and liver damage, violent mood changes, depression and severe acne. Side effects known for both of these types of steroids and the negative controversy surrounding them is an important issue of which parents and children need to be aware.

Children and young athletes need accurate information relating to the laws and ethics concerning performance-enhancing drugs because these laws differ by drug type. The laws relating to Anabolic-Androgenic steroids are precise. They are available by prescription only, and illegal if the dose taken is higher than, what the doctor has prescribed.

A person must have a medical reason to obtain an Anabolic-Androgenic steroid prescription. Ethically using performance-enhancing drugs for non-medical reasons is wrong. Use of performance-enhancing drugs damages the integrity of the games. The true spirit of sports is to use our own skills and strengths, not modify them with artificial substances. Most professional coaches discourage the use of performance-enhancing drugs. That reason alone shows something is wrong with the use of them. These drugs affect children and young athletes so it is very important they be familiar with all the facts.

Review of the literature

In the world of sports today, anabolic/androgenic steroid use is a vast problem. Since its' introduction into Russian weightlifting, it has been expanding with no signs of stopping. It has spread into every major sport, with usage by every age and race. The use continues to grow, even with a lengthy list of serious health, legal, and ethical concerns. Because of our society's adoration of muscle, athletes put their athletic goals higher on their priority list than their long-term health. From Hulk Hogan to Arnold Schwarzenegger, our heroes all fit the superhuman mold. The government has tried various laws and programs to cut down on usage, but these programs have had little or no effect. It has become one of the biggest problems in organized sports, yet it does not receive a ...
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