Usage Of Drugs And Legal Implications

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Usage of Drugs and Legal Implications

Usage of Drugs and Legal Implications


The government of the any country is responsible to protect the people of its people. Government protection is done on broad scale including the protecting their lives from external and internal forces. The provision of heath facilities is one of the primary responsibilities of the federal government. For provision of health facilities there are some situation where patient is prescribed to use drugs for the recovery of health problem. The federal and state government of united state has passed laws for permitting and forbidding the usage of certain drugs. The prescription of drugs in certain state is subjected as remediation to deal with climatic complexities. (Goode, 1972).

In the perspective of drug related law there is a clash between federal government law and state law of California. Drugs law is enforced with the aim of deterrence, rehabilitation and public safety. Laws regarding drugs fit into the legal framework as the continuous use of can cause severe damage to the mental and physical health of the users so the society must have the laws for the distribution of drugs. In recent survey conducted in California for the usage of marijuana, majority of the respondents demanded to allow the usage of marijuana for medical purpose.

There are several effort made in California to regulate the usage of marijuana as it is tested to be less harmful as compare to alcohol and cigarettes. In 2006 an initiative is taken for losing the prohibition on marijuana. These initiatives have created a ground in 2012 allowing the usage of the drug, not only for medical purposes but its cultivation and sales serve the economic purposes.


In the article presented the case where there is a conflict between federal and the state law of United States. In 2006 ...
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