U.S Policy Towards Africa

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U.S Policy towards Africa

U.S Policy towards Africa


United States of America being the super power of the world tends to enjoy the influence in all parts of the world. However, different countries tend to give importance to the policies and their relations with the USA. However, the fact needs to be kept in mind that the polices which the USA tends to pursue towards any country is framed by the Congress (Kelly & Winfred, 1976). It is the congress which tends to enjoy the decision making authority in the context of the dynamics of the United States. However, the fact needs to be kept in mind that the U.S Congress based on the bicameral legislature of the federal government. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Congress divides the work of writing national legislation through managing different committees which have expertise in different areas.

The policies of the congress tends to have a major impact on any of the countries since the policy of the United States tends to pave the way for many others country to follow the same suit. However, before moving further in the context of the paper the fact needs to be kept in mind that the policy of any country is framed be keeping the interests of that country on the forefront. Therefore, in the context of the paper we intend to shed light on the policy of the congress on the African nations and their problems. This would be done through multiple perspectives in order to develop an effective understanding of the subject.


Policy is the representation of the set of objectives ,therefore, the U.S policy towards the African nations tends to be based on its interest and not on the love for the Africans.Literature Review

U.S Policy

This section tends to define the policy of the United States towards the nations of Africa. As the Africa is the continent which tends to demand a greater attention form the only super power of the world in order to bring out the continent from the curses of poverty, war and drug mafia. This section is of the view that the policy of the United States with respect to any region in the world must be the first stemming from the interests and objectives of the cosmic hand, and the importance of the region concerned that policy on the other hand. Given that Africa occupies an important position, if not special, in the strategy set by the U.S. administration to control the world of the future, as owned by the continent's natural resources and raw materials, especially oil, which has become a vital element engine is not for the U.S. economy and thus has turned Africa into a strategic base background mission security of supply of petroleum to the United States, to reduce dependence on the Middle East, which became exposed to the developments cannot predict the extent are decision makers or their results (Michael, 2003).

Has had to be Sudan's luck of the American interest ...
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