Us History

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US History


The American history is a collection of many significant events which are related to the past and reflects in the current era of times. According to many people the inhabitants of America are people from Asia. These people settle down in Alaska after crossing the Bering Strait. The original time of this migration is unknown although, in accordance with the scientific evidences, this event is fourteen thousand years old. Mounds builders of East are regarded as early natives of America who developed the North American Culture. These people do not belong to any one particular tribe but follow different cultures. They were involved in construction of building pyramid shape hills covered with grass.


Arrival of Christopher Columbus in August 3rd, 1492 is the turning point in the American history. It is still unknown that which island was discovered by Columbus but, the San Salvador Island is regarded as Columbus discovery in the current era. Trend of English Colonies was very common during 1607 to 1754. There were three major types of colonies functioning during that period. Firstly, the corporate colony known as “Joint Stock Companies”. Public officials were elected by themselves in these colonies. On the other hand “Proprietary Colonies” were owned by personal families. Lastly the “Royal Colonies” which were under the direct control of the King. The domination of these colonies not lasted for much time and reestablished into many different and separate colonies. The economic slavery started from the 17th century and lasted till the civil wars.

American Revolution (1775 -1783)

Throughout 1700s, European empires competed for making colonies around the globe. The American Revolution took aggressive form in 1775. Americans declared their revolution in 1776 against the Monarchy Argument. Pamphlet “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine encouraged Americans to declare independence from false virtues of Colonial Rules. The pamphlet highlighted arguments from various prospective inclusive of the Biblical prospective and virtues of republicans. He argued that such monarchies are not at all good for the democratic Free State. George Washington played a significant role in the formation of the declaration of independence. He served the nation as a general in the Continental Army. In 1776, after endless struggles, Congress declared the independence to the Americans from colonies. Various confederations were involved with the state ratification. The confederation article of 1781 deals with the frame work for the government of United States. There were difficulties associated with the state confederations. Congress became highly depended on the states income. This created several problems in the United States and also caused rebellion of the Shay.

Early Years of Constitutional Republic

In late seventies, many constitutional proposals were put forward by the ruling governments. The major dispute in confederations was regarding the declaration of representation. James Madison of Virginia designed the Virginia Plan in which he proposed proportional representation in the state based on majority. Moreover, he granted wide range of authorities to the Congress. On the other hand, small states supported the idea of equal opportunity. Plan for equal opportunity was proposed ...
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