U.S. Health Care System

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U.S. Health Care System


In this system we would identify and evaluate the three major forces that have affected the development of health care system in the United States. We would also try to analyze and evaluate that whether these forces would continue to affect the health care system of the United States. Similarly, I would mention one other force apart from these three forces which I consider as important, that may also affect the health care system of the United States. Finally I would try to discuss the importance of technology in the health care and its benefits in this assignment.


The three forces which affect the development of healthcare system in U.S. are that there would be shortage of nurses and the nursing schools; this means that there has to be more and better nursing schools to cater the needs of aging population. Another force that has affected the development of health care system in U.S. includes the fear of malpractice suits. It means that some physicians might not carry on high risk procedures, because they fear that if something goes wrong they will be sued. Similarly, the federal funding on the medical schools is not up to the mark, due to which less number of doctors graduates. The role of nurses is very important; we need nurses in every medical facility and hospitals. Similarly, they play an important role in treating the patients. Their role in no way is less than a doctor. So the shortage of nurses in our country will severely affect the development of the healthcare system in United States. There needs to more government investment in the opening of nursing schools which will fulfill the increasing demand of nurses in our country.

If we fulfill the shortage of nurses by creating more nursing schools and improving the capacity of the existing ones than our health care system will improve greatly. The second force which has affected the health care system in the United States is that there is fear among the physicians that that they will be sued if they carry on high risk procedures. This fear affects their efficiency and they avoid taking risks. Resultantly the patients remain uncured solely due to the fear of the physicians. This phenomenon has also impaired our health care system as due to the fear, the physicians do not perform their duties in a proper way. The government must provide security to the physicians in this regard as it affects their proper functioning. The third force that has affected the health care system of United States is this that the federal funding on the medical colleges is very low due to which less number of doctors graduate. This fact can be witnessed from the fact in our country many doctors from abroad are coming and starting their careers. This is because we have not been successful in producing the local doctors who should meet the needs of the increasing population. Therefore, there is greater need that the government ...
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