Us Health Care System

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US Health Care System


Health care in the United States remains different as compared to other developed nations. The United States takes a different direction by making a medical welfare system for the poor and the elderly and leaving the rest of the Health care system to supporting themselves. It spends approximately 35 billion per annum to provide medical care with uninsured residents. Another important fact is that around 41 million residents of United States, who lack health insurance, cost 130 billion per annum in lost productivity. This is causing a huge problem in the United States and changes can be made but it is up to the Government to make these changes. Health care economics and the service delivery system present many challenges for the consumer and practitioner alike, despite the availability of exceptional medical care. It has an inefficient and expensive health care system, compared with other developed countries, with poor outcomes and many citizens who are denied access. Inefficiency is increased by the lack of an integrated system that could promote an optimal mix of personal medical care and population health measures. This paper advocates a health care system in which core medical benefits should be provided to every American irrespective of the work status and financial situation, while improving efficiency and reducing redundancy.

US Health Care System

Component of Health Care

The article here in discussion concerns the issue of financing of the United States health care system. Issued in September 1995, the subject of the article revolves around the causes of the poor condition of the health care system in the country. It shows the need of having a concrete structure that would enable the government to align its resources effectively and in an organized manner. In 1995, the health care system in America lacked a structure that contributed to the imbalance in terms of delivering medical care to all citizens. Resources were inadequate, expensive and lacked means of access for the lower and middle class of the country. The crucial issue was that of financing the system. The costs associated with the system were immense. This resulted in a sizeable number of people losing out on the opportunity to gain quality care. As a consequence of financial issues, delivery and organization became a major problem. For the purpose of restructuring, the system required an overhaul in order to meet the requirement of the increasing population and the challenges of the twenty first century. For the overhaul to have a positive impact, the system would need to integrate doctors, hospitals and insurance companies (Garber, 2006).

Health Care Bill

The bill looks to provide an insight into the prevailing situation of the United States health care system and the issues of organization and financing that are affecting the citizens. At the moment, physicians and private practitioners are involved in a rather narrow approach to healthcare. This means that they often ignore other essential factors such as the environment, socioeconomics and human genetics. The bill would now require these physicians to adopt a ...
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