U.S Foreign Aid

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U.S Foreign Aid

About Foreign Aids and its History

Foreign aid can be defined as the help that is provided on an international or usually at the intergovernmental level in the areas of economy, military and finance.

As a result of the measure of the land lease U.S foreign aid started in 1941. After the World War II, while planning about the situation of the post war, it was the hope of the United States that international balance would be restored as a result of the brief relief program. So, in order to fulfill this planning U.S. foreign aid was started in terms of emergency grants without any kind of central organization. When the Korean War started then most of the foreign aid from U.S was extended in the field of defense and military (Myers, pp. 1).

Proposals for cutting foreign aid

The congress is urging on the cuts to U.S. foreign aid. The house of congress offered a cut back of around $ 12 billion or 20% of the president's request for 2012. On the other hand, Senate is proposing cut backs in the foreign aid that are smaller but still these cut backs can be devastating.

What is spent on U.S. foreign aid and its part in Budget

U.S. spends more than any other country on the foreign aids. In 2000, U.S. foreign aid amounted to $10 billion (less than 0.6% of the federal budget).

Programs those are included in U.S. foreign aid

There are different types of aids that the United States extends. U.S provides aid to countries in the form of grants sometimes with no obligation of repayment and sometimes as a loan. In some cases, U.S. provides aid to countries and requires the country to purchase goods from donors (Stewart, pp. A-1).

Purposes of U.S. foreign aid

To revitalize the economy of the ...
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