Us Economy

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US Economy

US Economy


The US economy is the most popular economy criteria in the worldwide. The country has well-known as one of the most victorious financial accounts in the record of mankind. The country has prosperous from many resources, strong political steadiness, natural benefits and the state of the art protection tools. The economy of the US has motorized all the way from the past times by the manufacturing changes. These variations made the economy stronger and they had been over ruled globally by using all the strong ability in every development sector of the society. The economic development and growth is an incessant process that engages the play of many interconnecting factors, which frankly manipulate the way an economy acquires. The main features are; monetary policy, fiscal policy, established market interest's charges, levels of redundancy and the level of price increases in the economy (Reinhart & Rogoff, 2008).


Current Economic situation

The current economic situation is not good at position. The re-elected President of US Barrack Obama has targeted his mission to increase the economic growth of the country by reducing or maintain the inflation rate of the country. When Obama, selected in 2009, the unemployment rate of the economy was 7.9%, it increased by 10% in the same year. This fluctuation in the unemployment rate of the country defines the up and downs in the rate. Recently 8.9% is the current rate, which enhances the better productivity of the country's industrial and the manufacturing sectors. Monetary and Fiscal Policy of the United States

The fiscal policy of U.S government has been liable to invest money than it takes in the economy, designated by a nationwide debt that was near to $ 1 billion at the initial of the 20th century. The economic budget of the 20th century pursued a prototype ...
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