Urban Renewal Policy

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Urban Renewal Policy

Urban Renewal Policy


The urban planning and renewal policy is discussed in detail in this paper. It looks into the nature, background and major advantages as well as disadvantages that have arisen from this policy and try to come up with a conclusion of to the effectiveness of the policy.


Urban Renewal

Urban renewal is a policy in the United States of America that focuses on redevelopment of land specifically in locations with average to high density use of land. Modern urban renewal started back in the 19th century within the developed nations and went through an extensive phase during the late 1940s. With having both failures as well as successes, the renewal process has been a vital element of the demographics and the history worldwide (Schwartz, 2010).

Urban renewal also comprises of relocating the business, destruction of structures, relocating individuals and use of governmental power and domination to take control of development projects that will benefit the city (Schwartz, 2010).


The HUD or U.S. Department of housing and urban Development is basically a cabinet department in the executive branch of the U.S. Fed Govt. Their mission is the creation of sustainable, strong, affordable, quality and community inclusive homes. The major reason for designing the HUD was for it to provide poor residents of the urban areas with housing facilities (HUD, 2013).

History of Policy

Even though the policy was developed to ensure that the poorer citizen in urban areas are provided with proper housing, however, this was not what happened. It made the cities target certain neighborhood and areas that were related to different racial groups, and specific areas within the cities were marked as ineligible to be provided with loans.

In the year 1961, the first and major critique of mass urban renewal was published. In 1964, the racial deed restrictions on housing was finally ...