Urban Pollution In The Uk

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Urban pollution in the UK

Urban pollution in the UK

Chapter 1: Introduction


This research focuses on the various aspects of urban pollution in the UK and comprises of the following chapters:


Literature Review

Proposed Methodology


This study highlights many issues related to urban pollution in the UK and gives a broad analysis of urbanization and ecology. Urbanization is one of the most controversial problems of modern society. Although it is an essential process of social and economical development of humans, it also the source of the problems that people never faced before.

Anyone familiar with the world development trends knows that nearly half of the world's population lives in urban areas and the number are expected to grow by 2% every year. Because of greater engagements in non-farm activities and driven by financial or educational needs people shifts to cities, causing the rapid growth of urban areas. Cities play not only the role of employment, shelter and service but also play the role of center of culture, education and portal to the rest of the world.

Although, cities and their ecology have a thousand years of evolving history, the term “urbanization and ecology” surprisingly only appeared very recently. For example, term ”Urbanization” was born only in the middle of 19th century, when with the expansion of industry people started to move from rural to urban areas causing vast pressure on the capacity of cities. Air pollution, acid rain, and imbalance of ecology made the term “ecology of urbanization” more and more relevant in 20th century and made the public pay more attention to this issue. It is kind of scary to realize that this kind of important issue is only a little bit older than me.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objective of this research paper is to cover a little piece of the ecology problems that urban areas are facing these days: air, water, waste and ecological footprint. Further, to cover the basic ideas of ecological impact and how significant it can be if we don't realize it soon.

Significance of the Study

This study is significant in many contexts. The study identifies many aspects of urban pollution in the UK. A high proportion of the UK population (80 - 90%) reside it urban districts. The modern day environment of the city has improved considerably since the industrial revolution. However, contemporary urban centres are still far from being the ecologically sustainable settlements many politicians and planners desire. Energy, food and raw materials are all inputted and consumed by the city, recycling is rare, and the urban ecology has been radically reformed through development and pollution. A high-density population equates to a less sustainable settlement.

Research Questions

Is Rapid urbanization has resulted in increasing air pollution in many cities?

What are the ecological problems urban areas are facing these days?

Chapter 2: Literature Review

Everybody understands the conspicuous association between urbanization and economic development; some Asian nations quickly evolved throughout 70's and 80's, the time when the large action of community from country to urban was ...
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