Urban Life

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Urban Life

Urban Life


Life in the big city offers plenty of entertainment. You can bypass a lot of cafes, restaurants, museums and cinemas. You can walk the streets all day and witness beautiful architecture. Then you can go to the city park, and rest there. Cities are the driving force behind the growth and development of a country. They serve as the central hub of all the economic and social activity in a country (Susan, 2002, 85). People from all parts of the country visit these cities in the search of a better source of livelihood for their families. People can easily find the necessary things for themselves. Many people like to do shopping for hours. However, there is not always one side of the coin; there is also other side of the coin.

It is also important to note drawbacks of Urban Life. For example, there is bad environment, excessive transportation pollute the air. Plants and factories emit their waste into the water and atmosphere. Because of the rapid pace of life many people are nervous and start to smoke. In this paper we are going compare and contrast two article based on the theme Urban Life. These two articles are The Problems of Urban Life today taken form Website. The purpose of this paper is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant facts and figures relating to the disadvantages of urban life.

Compare and Contrast

In the article “The Problems of Urban Life” the author has discussed various problem of Urban Life. The other article taken from website discusses problem of sustainability due to urbanization. In first article overall general view of the problem of urbanization are discussed while in other article problem of sustainability is discussed. in article one the author have not focused on any specific region of country whereas in article two the anonymous author has focused on specific region that is Nigeria.

In the article taken from Website, we observed that sustainability implies a harmonious relationship between social needs and environmental responsibility; joint that is critical in the organization of the city. If we analyze the urban transformations of recent years, we are faced with a city that increases social segregation, incubating a future conflict in our cities. We note the progressive degradation of the traditional city we know for creating a suburban periphery based on consumption of non-artificial spaces and massive use of private vehicles, with an excessive consuming infrastructure development land and territories, materials and energy and supports a real estate practice that encourages the replacement of buildings in front of his rehabilitation and conservation, increasing the waste of resources and waste production.

The urban land issues in the developing economies affecting the people in large number as the rapid urbanization cannot be handled by their governments efficiently. These problems in turn are affecting the community rights specifically in Nigeria. Many Nigerians are affected by these troubles whether rich or ...
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