University Art Museum

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The Case of University Art Museum

Mission statement

Mission statement and the Vision statement are the inspirational tools of leadership. According to James Mankte low and Amy Carlson; these words have been chosen by successful leaders to clearly and succinctly lead and direct the organization (2013). The unambiguous and transparent mission and vision statement can strongly converse the intentions of the leader. This is also used as an effective tool to motivate the team members to understand the future vision (Anonymous, 2013).

Mission is the overall purpose of the establishment of any organization, firm or any institution. The organizations are built on developing ideas and mission statement is basically allocates those ideas. The commencement and origination of any organization is based on crafting successfully those ideas. The mission is built by mostly the pioneer or the pioneers of the organization. The ideal person is required to develop a mission statement of the organization that has a thorough in depth knowledge about the original idea, organization and the current market trend and technologies. The decisions and strategies are encompassed in mission statement by the organization or the leaders to provide a complete general frame work. This statement is although precise, but formal in context and provides an understanding. The mission statement is presented to the stakeholders and the leadership members of the organization. It clearly mentions the aims and objectives of the organization, stakeholders of the organization, responsibilities of the organization towards them and a brief review of products and services being offered by the organization (Anonymous, 2013).

It is mentioned earlier that an ideal mind is required to develop a concrete mission statement, in pursue of it; time does not matter. In the under discussion case of the University museum the situation is unique where the museum happily survived with out having a substantial and expressed mission statement.

The prominent mission statement should be “to integrate and bridge the museum with academia to grasp the appreciation fully from the entire world of art lovers.”

Vision statement

Vision statement is a flamboyant tool that is also used by the organization in defining the purpose of the organization by using organization's values. The values can be looked as guiding principles or torch bearers about the functioning of the organization. Hence, it communicates the combination of values, aims and goals of the organization. It is presented to employees as a guideline and inspiration about their behavior in the organization and about their realization of the targets so that they can drive best results. It is also communicated to customers in order to make them sure about their bonding and dealing with the organization. It is helpful in enhancing the understanding of the customers about the organization. It acts as a motivational force in this way for internal as well as external individuals. Vision statement is developed after the development of mission statement in order to synchronize the mission statement with day to day operations of the ...
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