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China Relationship with the United States

China Relationship with the United States

The relationship between China, one of the oldest civilizations with a larger population, and the United States, one of the youngest civilizations with the strongest economy, it is important not only for the two peoples but also for the future of the entire world. (Shambaugh, Sandschneider & Zhou:2007: 277)

Factors that influence the relationship between China and the U.S. are the economic, strategic, diplomatic and cultural. Undoubtedly, including the economic factor is the most important. Economic interests are at the heart of relations between China and the U.S.. In 2001, trade volume between the two countries hit U.S. $ 80,400 million, 8.1 percent more than last year. Tempted by the huge Chinese market, U.S. has become the largest investor in China with a U.S. investment $ 4,858 million in 2001 and a cumulative investment of U.S. $ 35,548 billion. Since many U.S. companies have invested in China are multinational companies, fluctuations in economic relations between China and the U.S. may affect the global trading system and financial resources, and can in turn exert influence on the decisions of the two countries and policies diplomatic. (Zhao2008: 21)

Strategically, China and the U.S. have common interests. The White House needs China's help and influence to handle North Korea and non-proliferation. America also needs China's cooperation in combating terrorism. On the Taiwan issue, which remains the most sensitive issue, China calls on U.S. to abide by the three joint communiques and apply the one-China policy. (Finn 2007: 103)

Diplomatically, the imbalance of the common foreign policy is one of the reasons for the misunderstandings and difficulties between the two nations. On the U.S. sideThrough the redefinition of China as a rival rather than a strategic partner, the Bush Administration indicates that China is a key position in its policies in Asia and the Pacific. However, in the foreign policies of China, the United States is economically and strategically important, especially when it comes to the question of Taiwan(Cornebise2004: 32).

The ideological gap explains why America has always been to China as an enemy instead of a partner or friend. Thus, learning the origins of American culture and spirit is necessary for China's treatment of political and diplomatic relations with the United States.

Domestic politics has played an important role in shaping the relationship between China and the U.S.. In the United States, a sharp increase in minority population as a result of the popularity of multiculturalism in the last decade, a movement that seeks to achieve for minorities - including African, American and Asian-Americans - the same status white Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) have enjoyed in the political, social and cultural. Multiculturalism has strengthened the political power of minorities and the escalation of conflicts between whites and minorities. Consequently, conservatives hope to strengthen the influence of the mainstream, ie WASP values and attitudes in response to growth of multiculturalism. Recently, Asian Americans, especially from China have become an emerging force in the new team, the fields of education, science ...
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