United Healthcare

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United Healthcare

United Healthcare


The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis of the strategies of a publicly traded company. The company chosen in this paper is United Healthcare. The paper provides an overview of the competitive environment of the insurance industry in United States along with the marketing conditions. The paper also reflects the evaluation of the corporate current growth and the new business strategies and implications. The paper is a reflection of the competencies and the resources of the company, and the evaluation of the strategies and resources with partnerships and alliances. It covers the opportunities for innovation keeping in base the past success and failure. Thus, it covers the overall strategies of the organizational effectiveness, and the corporate culture and leadership prevailing in the organization, and the creation of the balanced score card.

Company Overview

United healthcare is health and wellness healthcare company which has its operations all around the world. The company has almost more than 3000 plus employees serving for the mission of the company. United Healthcare, in order to assure the proper delivery of the healthcare and benefit program to their employees and the future retirees, collaborate with large and well developed companies. The revenues of the company are almost US$ 27.3 billion. According to the Fortune Magazine's United Healthcare is ranked as the number one in the industry for providing the best innovations in the field of healthcare. United Healthcare works with the aim of providing better health, decision and information. United Healthcare is considered to be the national leader in the programs related to the healthcare management. United healthcare serves almost more than two million health plan enrollees. Thus, this paper is the complete reflection of the company's strategies and the leadership capabilities.

1. Define the overall competitive environment including market conditions

United States devotes a high proportion of their national wealth to health care. Estimates for 1990 indicate that USA has spent more than 9 percent which is 100 of its gross domestic product (GDP) or $ 60 billion for health care. While the U.S. spent 660 billion or 12 percent which is100 of their GDP to health care. The health care system in U.S.is characterized by strong government intervention (Boddewyn, 2006). Health expenditures in 1990 have been paid to 72 percent which is 100 by the federal and provincial or local governments. Americans do not pay out of pocket that services are not covered by the insurance plan of their province, which is 21 percent and 100 of the total bill. For its part, the health system in the United States relies mainly on the private sector; U.S. citizens and private insurance companies paid more than half of health care spending, while the central government, State and local governments accounted for 43 percent which is 100 thereof. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2007, approximately 4.6 of every 100 employees experienced a workplace-related injury or illness—the lowest reported job injury rate since ...
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