Unit1 - Individual Project

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Unit1 - Individual Project

Unit1 - Individual Project


The following paper is about Unit 1: Individual Project and the project covering different aspects that are related to integrative design and evaluation. Therefore, the main structure of the project based on the discussion of ADDIE model and with that Gagne's Theory of Instruction model in relation with nine events of instruction that used within the model. At last, Bloom's Taxonomy also highlighted by analyzing the design models.

Phases of ADDIE Model

ADDIE is mainly known as a systematic methodology use for instructional design based on five phases, that is, Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. According to Chevalier (2011), many organizations claim of using and adopting ADDIE model for formulation of instructional design in terms of providing the necessary structure for systematic approach to Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement and evaluate training. But on the other hand, ADDIE has been diluted with the passage of time where their need of instructional design is known as 'addie'. Therefore, to provide a better understanding, following are the phases of ADDIE;

From the analysis perspective, it is limited to needs assessment that assumed training is the right and thus the only solution with no study that underlying the performance gap.

Design is associated with documents that are either got fail or sometimes do not exist, thus clearly identifying the target audience with precise behavioral objectives, conditions and also providing the evidence to measure the results.

In the development phase, formulating material and courses that could have a little impact on organizational and individual performance because possibilities are there that foundation might be shaky because of poor analysis and design that did not consider.

The implementation phase is all about taking it as sole intervention because by paying a little attention to working environment has huge impact on the transference of knowledge and skills.

The evaluation phase is all about focusing on acquisition and reaction of knowledge but at the same time need to avoid issues of training effectiveness that related to individual performance on the job or the impact of desired evaluation on the business outcomes.

In the same way, Magliaro and Shambaugh (2006) highlighted that instruction design is all about developing instructional design as highlighted above, however, the authors are of the view that different instructors view it differently as per the instructional designs. Although, it is interesting to look different aspects of the instructional design but the main motive is to assist and facilitate the learning outcomes and by applying the model to its best to witness the successful dramatic changes in the performance of the respondents (Shibley, et. al., 2011).

Gagne's Theory of Instruction model

Robert Mills Gagne gained publicity as an educational psychologist. He is very well known of his “Conditions of Learning”. Gagne took a hang of educational science during the World War II when he was working with Army which was employed to train the pilots. After which he went to develop and evaluate a series of works and studies which would simplify and explain what ...