Unit1 - Discussion Board

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Unit1 - Discussion Board

Unit1 - Discussion Board

Part 1

The ADDIE Model will be used in the step by step method in order to give the complete learning of the constitution to the eighth grade students of the suburban middle school. The process of using the model would be based on the following steps:


The learning problem is that the students lack the knowledge as well as the understanding of the constitution. The students are in eighth grade and so it is difficult for them to understand the terms and specifics that are used in the constitution. The objective would be first to make the students familiar with the vocabulary that is used in the constitution regarding the parliament and other rules and regulations and laws. The next objective would be to make them learn the similarities and differences between the terms used in the constitution and the purpose of the constitution. To include the Bloom's Taxonomy objectives, the students will be given the task to learn and search themselves about the constitution. Using this existing knowledge the new knowledge will be coincided with it (Danks, 2012).


The design of the plan will follow these steps:

The students will be asked to learn about the constitution by them. The notes regarding the constitution will be provided to them. This will help students to get familiar with the constitution and its purpose.

They will be asked to explain what they understood while reading the notes and searching about the constitution on their own. This will help to identify the existing knowledge.

The difficult terms in the language and in the vocabulary of the constitution related information will be explained to them. The students will be able to gain the clarity regarding the topic.

The case scenario or the case study and which will help the students to envision and compare the related.

Finally, the students will be ask to explain the different sections of the constitution and the implementation of those rules in the real case to enhance their understanding and learning.


Since the students are in 8th grade so it will be difficult for them to understand the difficult real cases. In order to cater this problem the plan will include the easy cases and scenario that will be derived from the difficult cases. The use of magazines and newspapers will be essential in order to keep in line with the current issues. The material will also be collected from the websites and official government web pages (Barbara, 2005).


In the first phase of implementation, will be givennotesconstitution In the second phase, the students will be explained the difficult terms in the notes and other terms those are new to them or are from the language of the law. Moreover, the students will be asked about what they recognize about the constitution and the laws entailed in it. In the third phase, the existing knowledge will be used to give them full teaching lectures regarding the constitution. In the fourth phase, the lectures will ...
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