Unit H6023171 Lead & Manage A Team

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Unit H6023171 Lead & Manage a Team

Unit H6023171 Lead & Manage a Team

Unit H6023171:

Lead and Manage a Team Within a Health and Social Care or Children and Young People's Setting Others may include: • Workers / Practitioners• Carers• Significant others• Other professionals• People who use services

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the features of effective team performance within a health and social care or children and young people's setting



Assessment Criteria



Explain the features of effective team performance

A staff team can be defined as a group of individuals that work together to achieve a mutual goal. There are certain characteristics of an effective team that permits members of a team to operate more productively and efficiently. An effective team of staff devises ways to share responsibility for their work outcomes and roles of leadership, changing the focus from a single individual to several members within the team. A team also develops concrete work products and a specific purpose of the team that the team members produce collectively.

Effective staff team promote open feedback mechanism and develop strategies of active problem-solving that exceed delegating, deciding and discussing what to do and works as a team. When needed, each member in the staff team will help other members in the team rather than focusing on their own goal. In a well-operating staff team, performance is based on the ability of an individual to influence other staff member rather than the ability of individual member; however, rather is evaluated directly through determining the work product of the entire team. Rewards are based on the efforts of the whole team help underline the significance of the team accountability.

There are a number of ways in which I can assist staff and senior staff in becoming a good team:

Set mutual objectives - Define objectives of performance with the team and ensure that all members of staff must aware and understand the goals and what actions will require to achieve these goals.

Promote a participatory culture - Encourage staff members to provide constructive feedback to enhance support service. Employee feedback and idea must be listened and acknowledge their perspective. Provide encouragement to staff members to notify problems and determine solutions collectively.

Emphasis on participations/ involvement - Clearly define goals and targets so that staff members can contribute actively in the meetings. Introduce ways to staff members in which they may contribute.

Conduct meetings - meetings must be held frequently to discuss home and supervisory objectives and provide encouragement to the team in order to discuss their problems.

Organise the team - Roles and responsibilities must be define collectively. If goals are clear, there will be less probability that staff member become frustrated and more eager to work as a team. There must be an agreement on who assume roles of leadership for different activities.

Define the rules - Explain all regulations and standards that have been set up for the home. Provide justification for these rules and communicate their implication in routine ...