Unit 5 Individual Project

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Unit 5 Individual Project

Unit 5 Individual Project


Being as a consultant, the main responsibility is to analyze the instructor performances in teaching the elective subjects to Lincoln community college. The instructor has performed their duty at their best level, but the grades that attained by the students are not so appealing. This creates a big issue for the students and the reputation of Lincoln Community College. The teaching level of different instructors has described their proficiency level and capability of teaching their students. The different grades obtained by the students on the basis of their instructor hard work. The three elective subjects have taught by three different instructors such as English, Mathematics and Computer Science. Being as a consultant, the main responsibility is to analyze individual instructor performance with their students. This approach is also identifying their teaching methods and is they effective for the students or not (Onwuegbuzie & McLean, 2003).


The data that has collected in this project is quantitative because it based on numeral values. The quantitative data has collected by targeting the respondents and analyzed the targeted subject. In this scenario, the main subject is to analyze the three different instructor performances on their specified subjects. The different number of students has enrolled in the class at which some of students have dropped the course during the session.


Number of Students enrolled

Number of students Withdrawals




Computer Studies



English Literature



The above table has described total number of students that have enrolled in three different subjects and withdrawals during the course. The maximum number of students has dropped their Mathematics course because they are not satisfied at the initial week. It also describes that, the instructor was failed initially to retain the attention of dropped students. Highest number of students has enrolled in Computer Studies and six of them had left the course during the session. In English literature lowest number of students has enrolled and approximately 8 students have left during the course (Klesges, et.al, 2012).

The graph describes the clear presentation of overall students that have enrolled in different courses. Some of students have withdrawals during the courses because they are not satisfied with the teaching style of instructors.


The qualitative approach also used in this study such as in case of analyzing the performance of teacher the survey method has used.


Survey Participation



Computer Science


English Literature


In this survey, the different number of students has participated according to subject wise. This defines their interest rates towards the survey and how they are able to discuss their teacher abilities and their teaching methods. Through this survey they are able to criticized three different subject mentors performances.



Teacher knows material


Teacher helped me understand the material


I would recommend this teacher to others


The course materials were helpful


The time allotted for each assignment was sufficient


These are perceptions that has mentioned in the survey form. The consultant modifies them in different codes for their feasibility level. Through this approach, the consultant is able to identify their effective outcomes.

Descriptive Statistics

In Statistics, the descriptive statistics is a special method that helps ...
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