Organizations And Behaviour

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Unit 3: Organizations and Behaviour

Unit 3: Organizations and Behaviour


Organizational Behaviour is involved with the study of what employees achieve in an organization and how that behaviour impacts on the performance of the organization. The study of organizational behaviour entails concern of the dealings amongst the official arrangement (organizational framework in which the procedure of administration occurs), the functions to be carried out and the performance of people working in the organization. This paper will address the relation involving organizational structure and culture while using different approaches to management and leadership. Two case studies will be used to develop the understanding of the topic.


Task1: LO 1.1

Organisational culture is the set of homogeneous and long-term ideals, values, traditions and habits that are distinctively practiced by an organisation's staff and which are transferred from one age group of workers to the next one. It is the shared principles and behaviours that make a payment towards the distinctive societal and emotional setting of an organisation. Different types of types of culture that is available to an organization takes account of power, role and task cultures. The main types of organizational structures are divided into three main categories. They are: tall, flat, matrix, centralized and decentralized organizational structure (Tosi and Thomas, 2004).

Tall organizational structure structures are more of what one imagines when think about an organisational graphic representation with the business leader at the top and numerous levels of administration. Like in the case study it is Enterprise Organization that has more than 75,000 workforces in the company. Flat managerial structures vary in that there are some levels of administration and workforce frequently have more self-sufficiency. For example, in City College flat organisational structure prevails that stress on giving power to workers somewhat than following the chain of command.

The advantages of tall structures are that it shows transparency in the administrative span of control. Limited span of control lets for direct administration of personnel. Tall structural arrangements give noticeable, different layers with clear lines of accountability and power and a clear promotional arrangement. Issues start when an organization adds large number of hierarchy levels. Communication seems time consuming to pass through all the levels, which impede decision and development.

Flat organizational structures present more options for workforce to do extremely well whereas supporting the company image. Flat structures are resilient and better capable to become accustomed to ever-changing environments. Timely communication helps in taking quick decisions, but team leaders may stress out with heavy work load. Rather than the martial style of tall structural arrangements, flat structures incline toward a more self-governing way.

In matrix structural arrangement, people work in different departmental units and function for special task. It is a mishmash of function and service where every worker has power to exercise and responsibility for his or her action. Advantage of matrix is to select specific product and work according to the demand of it. Disadvantage is that more than one team leader may bring varied thoughts which may result ...
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