Unit 3 Discussion Board

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Unit 3 Discussion Board

Unit 3 Discussion Board: Small-Scale Research Project in Local Library


Most countries have a public library. There are currently more than 315,000 libraries worldwide, of which 73% are located in developing countries and economies in transition. In many communities, public libraries can only make everyone - no matter how educated, skill level - offers free internet for information. In addition, the library staffs are often the first people online as well as people who want to improve their skills to provide training and technical support. However, while the public library plays an important role, but they are often underused, in order into the digital age, they need access to critical support. Through technical means to meet the ever-changing personal and community information needs is not easy. Technology is upgrading fast, in order to meet the changing needs of the community, must invest the appropriate resources.

Libraries are vital in today's where advancement takes place rapidly and therefore in order to keep up with the pace of one's life at work and studies, it is important to have regular studying habits and visit the library frequently. When people come to library, the often look for new books that have innovative material which updates them about the technological advancements of the world. People also go to libraries to understand their field of study or work in depth and conduct research analysis for their various projects. Therefore, libraries are of pertinent important.

With the rapid development of information technology, library community faces great challenges, increasing exchanges with foreign libraries. This research project can adopt a mixture of both techniques including qualitative and quantitative measures. The quantitative research method involves various tools to quantify the responses of candidates. The candidates are the users and members of libraries. The quantitative approach would suit this project and yield appropriate results. Therefore, this type of research should be adopted in this project. The library users can be the subject of the research with the prime objective to determine the reducing number of users in library. The major reason for this cause could be the online information technology (Myers, 1997).

Research Question

Whether there exist enough reading sources in the local liberaries for Small-Scale Research Projects?

Research Hypothesis

H1: There are equal number of reading sources of different subjects in the local library.

H2: There exists a significant differences in the number of books published in the last 10 years and the previous 10 years.


Quantitative approach to research is also preferred for this research due to the nature of this study. The users of library have been declining with the passage of time and the reasons need to be identified in order to overcome this problem. There are various possibilities which can consequently result in this issue. The theories regarding quantitative approach suggests that this approach for the certain type of studies. The attitudes of the readers utilizing the facility of library can be collected and assessed by qualitative research while the other aspects such as number of users ...