Video Games have had a Negative Effect on Society

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Unit 2 - New Frontiers

Unit 2 - New Frontiers


This assignment is based on a claim that video games have had a negative effect on society. Video games are now the most common way of spending free time. It is important is to understand that the impact of computers and the internet in the development of children and youth which is multifaceted. The uncontrolled and immoderate use of computer games has a decidedly negative impact on the psychological development of young people and society, that even lead to the degradation of undeveloped personality. Protecting the mental health of children and adolescents requires the combined efforts of educational institutions from the family home and the school (Sherry, 2001).

Regular and online video games are not just for kids. The addiction of gaming is so intense these days that people of all age group have developed their addiction towards gaming. Gaming has become an integral part of people entertainment life as much as partying and celebration. Students building up with computer game addiction tend to neglect other and build a highly compulsive behaviour. At some instances students might lose their sleep which eventually affect their grades in the school and at worse can cause them to fail and ultimately drop out of school.

Debate on Violent Features of Video Gaming

Violent behaviour in society is not only raised via violent video games, but also through films and TV programs as well. Some people believe that violent video game may not be the origin of violent behaviour; however, it may nourish negative sentiments. Hence, video gaming developers must keep in mind the possible effect of violent features on personal growth and characteristic development of children and teens. An attempt to proscribe such activities will not provide any help to such children, who are fighting against their social reclusiveness and awkwardness, but it will urge them to find other sources to feed their anti-social behaviour. In a civilized and developed country like US and UK, effective nurturing of children and teens is a social responsibility of everyone; however, negligence to such factors may create a web of tripling effects for the society and economy (Anderson, 2001).

Children are the future of every country that must be preserved and well cared by everyone. Hence, policy makers and other responsible authorities should set their focus on identifying multiple causes that may lead violent behaviour among children and set a framework to prevent negative effects on psychological development of children and teens. As the video game industry has grown over the years its presence in the media and is very large and thus their marketing. Young people nowadays prefer to have a game console than any other electronic device or computer. Lying is also negative aspect that is builds by the continuous addiction of student's towards PC games. Such students develop the habit of lying when are questioned about the amount of time they devote to playing multiplayer games with their friends or other team ...
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