Unit 2 Individual Project For Course Edu604 -1303d-02

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Unit 2 individual Project for Course EDU604 -1303D-02

Unit 2 individual Project for Course EDU604 -1303D-02

Educational Technology

The Educational Technology provides a platform to the learners to study via web technology. The learning is facilitated by using technology. The learners and organizations get benefit from educational technology. The educational technology is defined as “Educational technology are the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.” The educational technology focuses on the use of innovative technology for education (Educational Technology, 2013).

Technology Peripheral Equipments

The educational technology includes certain techniques that provide east to the students they are cloud computing, social networking tools, web 2.0 tools and classroom instructional media plays a vital role in educational technology.

Cloud Computing in Educational Technology

Online education is effective recently in the schools of US. It was asserted that cloud computing is being used in K-12 Schools four years from now and figure will grow for about 35% per quarter. This is a useful tool for schools and management systems as it saves the hurdles of network error. The cloud computing automatically saves the content material. So it is impossible to lose or delete the material. The document will be saved in cloud computing. All type of content data is being saved in cloud computing, data, documents, eBooks', photos and much more (Weaver, 2013).

The accessibility of the cloud is admirable as the mobile device data can be easily captured from the cloud. Not only mobile data, but the phones or tablet data can be captured through cloud computing. Major benefit of cloud is that multiple users can assess this technology at one time. There is a sharing of timing and ideas group projects, and collaborative task work is easily acquired from cloud computing. Speed of cloud computing saves time of the students when they study online. The online content is easily available, and students can conveniently capture the online material. Students can easily assess the assignments and homework from this technology (Weaver, 2013).

Teacher's time is also saved as they do not need to printing and copying lengthy material. Cloud allows teachers to post online assignments. So students assess the assignment, and it saves time they pick up online assignment and initiated the task (Weaver, 2013). Moreover, teachers can use this cloud to set, collect and grade online to the students. Students can work via computer, Smartphone or tablet. E-Learning can change teaching and learning process; so the teachers and students can communicate anywhere any time (Britland, 2013).

Social Networking Tools in Educational Technology

Social Networking is software that allows students to acquire and share information on one platform. A school could adopt blog software to share the information. A teacher can share account of the students, and they can interact via links provided to them. There is a list of students on the online medium and the teacher resource is available as a teacher can check how many students have followed the link theta is provided by their teachers (Smith, ...