Unit 2: Effective Leadership - Assignment 2: Staff Supervision Activity

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Unit 2: Effective Leadership - Assignment 2: Staff Supervision Activity

Unit 2: Effective Leadership - Assignment 2: Staff Supervision Activity

Background and Developmental Stage of Supervisor (Myself)

My name is Julie and I am African America. I am working at the one of the famous hair salon in United States as an Account Assistant, which has a nice image among its customers. But the reality is that the top management of this hair salon is engaged in various sexual harassment activities. I am the greatest victim of sexual harassment as the Senior Finance Manager harasses me at various occasions when there is no one in the hair salon late nights. I requested him not to harass me as I will not allow him to disturb my personal privacy.

There are also other female employees at this hair salon which encounter the sexual harassment issues. I strongly believe that management of the hair salon should come up with clear policy regarding the issues of sexual harassment. Concerned people and the related employees should also publicize the need of such policies.

Background of and Developmental Stage Supervisee (Employee)

Shelia is the hair cut service provider at the salon, she has been facing severe sexual harassment issues form the last several years. She is sole source of income for her family, therefore; she does not raise voice against the abusers. The abuser is the personal secretary of the CEO. Sexual harassment includes the following behaviors at hair salon:

Jokes or comments or gestures of a sexual nature about me and Sheila.

Spreading sexual rumors (in person, in writing, by phone or online).

Writing sexually explicit messages about me and Sheila in the toilets.

Showing videos or inappropriate sexual images.

The Context (Setting)

Me and Sheila believes that sexual harassment causes the biggest damage to the company, as it drastically reduces the productivity of the company, the overall moral and the motivation level among the workers. The decrease in productivity from the side of victim is obvious, but other than the victim the other workers who are aware of the wrong doings in the company may feel de-motivated with the fear of favoritism. Companies may lose their valuable employees, as many of the women who are the victims of any such unpleasant scenario resign from the job, resulting in the loss of a resource to the company (Bell, 1968).

I believe that if you think you are being sexually harassed, do not throw ...
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