Unit 2 Discussion Board

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Unit 2 Discussion Board

Unit 2 Discussion Board

Part 1

There is clear difference between the quantitative and qualitative research. Former is used to test the hypothesis whereas the latter is used to make new theories or concepts. Therefore, the example of coin collection, home costs, political polls, carpools could be included in the quantitative research as in these types of topic respondents cannot help in generating any new theory rather they well be providing the data which can be utilized to explain certain existing phenomenon. On the other hand, favorite recipes, parent teacher participation and books fair may be included in the qualitative research. For example, in book fair respondents cannot be provided with the questionnaire to fill rather simple questions could be interviewed in order to identify the trend or behavior of readers toward certain type of books.

Part 2

Give a definition of a hypothesis and a null hypothesis and identify the method of research that uses a hypothesis.

A hypothesis could be a testable phenomenon or explanation of a theory, process or any idea. On the other hand, the null hypothesis could be defined as a type of hypothesis (testable) which proved to be with no statistical significance. In simple words, the null hypothesis is used to nullify the relationship or something observed in the research problem. Or the null hypothesis means there is no any relationship among the variables under investigation. Below is the example of null and alternate hypothesis.

H0 : there is no relationship between sales and advertising

H1 : there is a relationship between sales and advertising

So, it's clear those hypotheses are the type of assumption or statements specifically used in quantitative research regarding the testing of relationship among characteristics or attributes.

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