Unit 16

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Support Children's Speech, Language and Communication

Support children's speech, language and communication

1.1 Terms.


Speech is the verbal form of human communication. It is the faculty complete sounds or words. Speech is to express thoughts by words. It is also define as formal conversation or declaration of thoughts in public.


Language is the most important aspect in human being's life. It is used to express internal emotions and thoughts. It helps us to learn how to communicate with others. Language fulfils our needs and wants, and also maintain our culture. Language is inherent, verbal and a basic form of communication.


Communication is the two way process in which one is sender and other is receiver. It is the process in which one person is expressing idea and another one is listening to that idea. Understanding is the most important element of communication.

Speech, language and communication needs

Good speech, language and communication skills are important part of individual's life. Therefore it should be natured. It also plays a vital role in academic progress and emotional development. People with speech, language and communication needs may go through the worst communicating difficulties. They might face unclear speech which is difficult for others to understand. Impact of SLCN in people may result in difficulties with reading and writing the curriculum, can result in poor behavior, may have difficulties in socializing with fellows, their behaviors can be misunderstood, and most importantly it can affect the social life and opportunities throughout the life and their life may be at risk.

SLC skills support following areas in children's development (CSP, 2011, pp 3).


These skills are very important for children's learning. If a child begins learning these important skills would be very helpful, and by the time when they grownup, they thought of it is more useful to them and they have already that in their knowledge. This can lead to high furnished at school and also out of the school.


These skills help in the children's development of feelings and relationships about him or her and their families. To learn, how to live with others in society and family is one the most important part of the development, and in every individual's life friends and family plays an important role in emotional development.


Speech, language and communication skills will also help in the development of one's behavior. These skills help in learning behavioral skills by making friends, emotional and social development, and by assessing and learning opportunities.


SLC skills are the development of children's self image and identity. To be socializing is all about learning to survive with in family and in society. This process varies from family to family in different societies.

The impact of SLC difficulties on the overall development of a child (CSP, 2011, pp 5).

The speech, language and communication needs will impact children's life in many different ways. It depends on the harshness of the problem and can make difficulties in the development of all these areas like emotional and social development, in learning of behavioral skills, making friends, access towards learning and playing ...
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