Unit 10 Assignment 1

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Unit 10 Assignment 1

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Unit 10 Assignment 1


When one looks at some of the fundamental technologies of 21st century, it can be seen that biotechnology has been one of the most significant science that was discussed in the recent times. When there is integration among genetic engineering and biotechnology, the result is something that is extremely necessary for food. Not only food, even in agriculture and fine chemicals business, it has been seen that this integration has really benefitted the people. There are some other advantages as well on the industrial side, like it can save the cost of raw material and some other stuff that might help during the production of energy. These are only some of the benefits of the integration of genetic engineering and biotechnology. The concept has been recognized at the elite level. The programs are part of a major university programs at the worldwide level.


The history of biotechnology has been used by man in projects such as the preparation of bread and alcoholic beverages or to improve the performance of crops and domestic animals. Currently, biotechnology is composed of a variety of techniques derived from research in molecular and cell biology, which can be used in any business that uses micro-organisms or plant or animal cells. This paper discuss the study of genetic engineering techniques highlighting the importance of its use is in research, development and synthesis of new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostic tests etc. When these are combined with other techniques, involving fungi, bacteria and other living things we can talk about biotechnology (Hockemeyer, Soldner, Beard, Gao, Mitalipova, DeKelver & Jaenisch, 2009). So, the term biotechnology, in its broadest sense, applies to the use of living organisms or compounds obtained from living organisms to produce value for man.

Biotechnology as a new field of expertise has spread since the early '70s, regarded as “the use of organisms, biological systems and processes in business products and services.” But, increasingly include more disciplines in the field of biotechnology, which prevents biotechnology begins pinpoint where or what biotechnologies, although all tend to meet two of the oldest goals of humanity:

Control playback, both human and animal and plant health.

Control natural methods that provide food and substances of interest to the human species.

More precise definition is presented by Steve Prentiss: “The essential feature of biotechnology is that it uses and modifies microorganisms or cells obtained from animals or plants, but excludes those activities that involve plants or animals.” It is the commercial use of living organisms or their products, which involves the deliberate manipulation of their DNA molecules. Therefore, we can say that biotechnology covers from traditional biotechnology to modern biotechnology, based on the use of new techniques of recombinant DNA (genetic engineering), monoclonal antibodies and new farming techniques cells and tissues. Genetic Engineering and Genetic Modification terms that will be discussed in the course of this work are directly related to the process of manipulation of genes in an ...
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