Unit 1 Individual Project For Course Edu602 -1303d-01

Read Complete Research Material


Unit 1 Individual Project for Course EDU602 -1303D-01

Unit 1 Individual Project for Course EDU602 -1303D-01

Six Steps of Research process

There are many models that are available and taught about how to conduct a well and refined research process (Creswell, 2002). There are six major steps of research process that authors need to consider before start research process.

Define the Problem or Thesis Statement

Find Back ground information (do literature review)

Gather resources

Collect information

Organization information

Evaluate process

In this paper, I will critically analyze both of these documents and find that which research process is missing.

The impact of white boarding on learning by secondary school biology students


The abstract of this document was very detailed and summarize the methods that use to evaluate the impact of white boarding on learning. The overall results of the evaluation were also states in abstract with the well-identified conclusion, but it need to more concise.

Introduction of the Study

The purpose statement of the study was clearly defined in the last paragraph. The purpose statement has also great significance and considered to significance current issues related with biological student's studies. Therefore, it has been possible for the first time in students learning to investigate the effectiveness of white boarding high school biology classroom where students discuss important class topics. For this research, a qualitative approach is more appropriate because research has also researched other methods and their outcomes (Creswell, 2002).

There was the literature review that supported the thesis statement, other reviews provided in the information went against and not considered beneficial to this study, “living thing are both similar and different from each other and from non living thing” (New York state standard) (Bush & Kelly, 2004). The literature review for the time of the study is somewhat dated. Majority of references and literature review in this research was ranging from 1989 to 2000. Author needed to be conduct research after using latest literature that should not be older than 10 years back.


The research literature does not state whether or not participant of the study were safeguarded. In this study, there was no statement mentioning about research ethics,” Undue influence or coercion used to recruit participants” (Creswell, 2002). Research was also not stated that whether or not there was a need of external review by external board.

This study used quasi experimental design that was quite appropriate to design determines that who experienced white boarding. The most frequent methodological approach has been used specially trained observers who accompany the volunteer and under the practical conditions and engaged in evaluating gestures and postures of participants.

The research population that was already identified in the start of research study and also mentioned again in the method section. The research sample was described that there was total 273 participants, out of them 134 who experience white boarding. The participants were study in 9th grade. The researcher tries to minimize the biasness by having all students from the same grade, varying in age and ...