Unilever Perspective

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Managing People and HR: Unilever Perspective


The purpose of this article is to understand the various aspects that are used for managing people at an institution. Starting with a small presentation of theories related to the Human Resource Model revolving around soft and hard approaches for managing people. The secretion of soft and hard HRM was found in the United States but could be most in debate by British. In this report, Unilever has been used as a reference in which aspect of talent management would be analyzed and the effectiveness of this management program would be evaluated

Managing People and HR: Unilever Perspective4


Task 14

Approaches adopted by Unilever4

Theoretical review on HRM model5

Approach of Employee engagement at Unilever6

Task 27

The Aspect for Talent Management7

Literature Review of Talent Management7

The Talent management approach at Unilever10

Investment in learning11

Promoting sustainability11

Unilever's Leadership development Program12


Human rights and labour rights13

Training program at Unilever14

Compensation Plan at Unilever14


Evaluation of this approach15



Managing People and HR: Unilever Perspective


The company that we would be referring to for this report is Unilever UK. Unilever has known all over the world for its extensive recruitment and training process. But the approaches used by them will be analyzed closely in this report. After going over the theoretical study we would be able to evaluate whether Unilever uses soft approach or hard approach for managing its employees.

Task 1

Approaches adopted by Unilever

The approaches for managing people at Unilever discussed below. Team development fit for growth .In order to achieve sustainable and profitable growth Unilever recognize the importance of selecting the right people for an organization that is fit for growth and winning. Undertaken by a culture in which performance would be in alignment of the goals and values of an organization.

Unilever is a dynamic, flexible, agile and diversified business with human resource that is motivated through performing well at work. We are building capability and leadership among our people and are attracting some of the best talent in the marketplace.

Unilever calls its business strategy as 'the Compass'. It was developed in the early 2009, was established to set out Unilever's ambitions, vision and objectives, and was used to define four Winning stepping stones within the company that helped Unilever to achieve both its vision and objectives One of Unilever's win pillars is 'Winning by taking its people along'. As they realise the importance of human resource development and retaining valued employee.

Theoretical review on HRM model

The secretion of soft and hard HRM was discovered in the United States but could be most in debate by British context since the introduction of a non affirmative or normative framework of People management by scholars and other writers by the middle of 1980s. In Peter and Waterman's (1982) publication of “Search of Excellence” it was redefined that what the value of the human capital in an organization. There was a discovery of how companies can form a competitive advantage with the help of "excellence syndrome", or concept that human resource policy needs to be linked to strategy and staff should be ...
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